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How to evaluate genomic region embeddings


Create a Base Embedding Object

Given a set of genomic region embeddings embeddings and the corresponding regions vocab, use BaseEmbeddings to create an base embedding object.

from geniml.eval.utils import BaseEmbeddings
import pickle

base_obj = BaseEmbeddings(embeddings, vocab)
with open("", "wb") as f:
    pickle.dump(base_obj, f)

Generate Binary Embeddings

from geniml.eval.utils import get_bin_embeddings

universe_file = "/path/to/universe.bed"
token_files = ["file1.bed", "file2.bed"]
bin_embed = get_bin_embeddings(universe_file, token_files)

Or use command line:

geniml eval bin-gen --universe /path/to/universe.bed --token-folder /path/to/tokenized/folder --file-name bin_embed.pickle

Statistical Tests

Cluster Tendency Test (CTT)

CTT analyzes how well a set of region embeddings can be clustered. CTT score lies between 0 and 1. A larger CTT score indicates a greater tendency for the embeddings being evaluated to have clusters. When the embeddings are uniformly distributed, the score is 0.5. For evenly spaced embeddings, the score approaches 0.

from geniml.eval.ctt import get_ctt_score, ctt_eval

path = "/path/to/a/region2vec/model/"
embed_type = "region2vec"
ctt_score = get_ctt_score(path, embed_type, seed=42, num_data=10000, num_workers=10)

# evaluate a batch of models and run CTT for 5 times with different random seeds
batch = [(path, embed_type)]
ctt_score_arr = ctt_eval(batch, num_runs=5, num_data=10000, num_workers=10)
print(f"Model: {ctt_score_arr[0][0]}\n CTT scores:{ctt_score_arr[0][1]}")  # CTT scores for the 1st model in the batch

Or use the command line

geniml eval ctt --model-path /path/to/a/region2vec/model/ --embed-type region2vec

Reconstruction Test (RCT)

RCT evaluates how well an embedding of a region preserves the region’s occurrence information in the training data. The best RCT score is 1.

from geniml.eval.rct import get_rct_score, rct_eval

path = "/path/to/a/region2vec/model/"
embed_type = "region2vec"
bin_path = "/path/to/a/binary/embedding/for/the/same/tokenized/files/"
# set out_dim to -1 use all the dimensions of the binary embeddings. Set out_dim to a small positive number to reduce computational complexity.
rct_score = get_rct_score(path, embed_type, bin_path, out_dim=-1, cv_num=5, seed=42, num_workers=10)

# evaluate a batch of models and run RCT for 5 times with different random seeds
batch = [(path, embed_type, bin_path)]
rct_score_arr = rct_eval(batch, num_runs=5, cv_num=5, out_dim=-1, num_workers=10)
print(f"Model: {rct_score_arr[0][0]}\n RCT scores:{rct_score_arr[0][1]}")  # RCT scores for the 1st model in the batch

Or use the command line

geniml eval rct --model-path /path/to/a/region2vec/model/ --embed-type region2vec
To change the learning setting, go to the definition of get_rct_score in geniml/eval/ and change the constructor of MLPRegressor.

Biological Tests

Genome Distance Scaling Test (GDST)

GDST calculates a score measuring how much the embedding distance between two regions scales the corresponding genome distance.

from geniml.eval.gdst import get_gdst_score, gdst_eval

path = "/path/to/a/region2vec/model/"
embed_type = "region2vec"
gdst_score = get_gdst_score(path, embed_type, num_samples=10000, seed=42)

# evaluate a batch of models and run GDST for 5 times with different random seeds
batch = [(path, embed_type)]
gdst_score_arr = gdst_eval(batch, num_runs=5, num_samples=10000)

Or use the command line

geniml eval gdst --model-path /path/to/a/region2vec/model/ --embed-type region2vec

Neighborhood Preserving Test (NPT)

NPT evaluates how significant genomic region embeddings preserve their neighboring regions on the genome against random embeddings. The code output the NPT score for a set of region embeddings.

from geniml.eval.npt import get_npt_score, npt_eval

path = "/path/to/a/region2vec/model/"
embed_type = "region2vec"
K = 10
# If resolution = K gives NPT for K neighbors
# If resolution < K, gives NPT for [resolution, resolution*2, ...] neighbors
resolution = K
npt_score = get_npt_score(path, embed_type, K, num_samples=100, seed=0, resolution=resolution, num_workers=10)

# evaluate a batch of models and run NPT for 5 times with different random seeds
batch = [(path, embed_type)]
npt_score_arr = npt_eval(batch, K, num_samples=100, num_workers=10, num_runs=5, resolution=resolution)
print(f"Model: {npt_score_arr[0][0]}\n NPT scores: {npt_score_arr[0][1]}")  # NPT scores for the 1st model in the batch

Or use the command line (the output will be the result when resolution=K)

geniml eval npt --model-path /path/to/a/region2vec/model/ --embed-type region2vec --K 50 --num-samples 1000